Newly elected Bryony and Matthew, with some of the Green Party team |
Darlington Green Party members are celebrating success in the local elections in Darlington, after returning the town’s first two Green Councillors.
Bryony Holroyd, who works for an energy efficiency charity, and Matthew Snedker, a prominent local environmental campaigner, will represent College ward after increasing the party’s share of the vote from 13% in 2015 to 51%. This success builds on the 2015 local election which saw the Green Party gain the third largest number of votes across the town, which the party have repeated this year.
Speaking after her election, Bryony said “I joined the Green Party when it became clear that I’d been asking the wrong people to do the right thing. Now the people of Darlington have shown that they are fed up with not being listened to, and with decisions being made without opposition.”
Matthew added “We were delighted to get the third largest share of the vote across the town in 2015, but realised that we had to focus on one ward to get a breakthrough into the Council chamber. However, as Green Councillors we represent not just the people of College ward but also those Green voters across the town.”
Martin Wood, who placed third for the Green Party in Park West alongside Louise Maddison, where cutting down the Blackwell trees was a big issue, added “Across the country there are a record number of Green Councillors on a record number of Councils and we’re seeing that having a Green in the room can make a real difference. With Matthew and Bryony holding the other parties to account and being an effective opposition, local people will have a stronger voice.”
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