Matthew Snedker, coordinator of Darlington Green Party said "Voters have not seen fit to give any one party a majority in the council chamber, rejecting a Labour party that had lost touch but not trusting the Conservatives, whose national party is in disarray. The only way to respect the vote is to form a joint administration that rises above party barriers and works for the common good."
Bryony Holroyd, Green Party councillor said "We have a clear program of policies that will meet the needs of people today while securing a safer and better future."
The Green Party are inviting representatives of the other parties and independent councillors to a meeting to discuss a framework that will allow the whole council to work from a common programme.
The policies proposed by the Green Party will include;
- Declaring a climate emergency with measures in place to bring carbon emissions from the Borough to net zero by 2030.
- Review the housing plan with the aim to bring the total number of new homes planned back in line with government estimates, a reduction of some two-thirds.
- Urgent review of the Northern Link Road as there are serious questions about its environmental impact and doubts surrounding its economic credentials.
- Introduce supplementary planning guidance to ensure all new homes built will have minimal heating bills by adopting zero carbon home design codes.
- Lead by example by reviewing rates of pay within the council, with the aim to make Darlington a Real Living Wage town.
- Consult on wide area 20mph limits on public health grounds to all roads where people live, work and go to school. This to be the first stage in designing a new circulation plan for Darlington’s congested road network.
Bryony Holroyd continued "the Green Party will push to improve the environment and quality of life of Darlington residents, whilst also reducing resource use to sustainable levels. All ideas will hinge on community involvement, so residents create and own a solution they feel is most appropriate."
Matthew Snedker added "Some commentators are predicting a return to the paralysis and infighting of the late 80’s when our council last had no majority party. But surely, if councillors of all parties, and none, genuinely sought election in order to serve the people of Darlington rather than themselves, then we can rise above political divisions and work as a joint administration."
Common sense, AT LAST !!!