When Darlington’s Labour controlled council revealed their plans for 10,000 new build houses, the reactions of most people were of equal parts horror and dismay.
Horror from the knowledge that this rash of building would forever change the nature of our town while covering much needed green space.
The feelings of dismay I hear are just as strong. People know that, whatever the promises of ‘consultation’ our current crop of Labour councillors are so entrenched that they feel safe in ploughing ahead with their master plan.
The figures conjured up to support this excess of building piles supposition on top of wishful thinking.
Darlington residents will be aware that Westminster is putting pressure on local authorities to build more homes. Even with this urgency, the directive from Central Government is that Darlington Borough Council need only find room to house 150 extra people each year. However this plan is hell bent on adding 30,000 more people to the town.
Even before a single foundation is dug, Darlington’s housing market is not in the best of health. We are already feeling the chilling effects of house price deflation. While affordability of housing needs addressing at a national level, the uncontrolled price crash this council risks is not going to be in anyone’s best interests.
The other signs of a sickening local housing market can be seen in empty homes. Darlington’s ‘void rate’ is above average for owner occupied, private rent and social rent properties.
Further holes in the Council’s arguments can be seen in their claims that new employment will drive housing need. Their claims seem overly optimistic, especially as the assumption is that people will relocate for zero hour contract, minimum wage jobs.
However, to get a full understanding of the madness this proposal threatens to unleash on the area you need to look at the housing proposals for the Tees Valley as a whole. Individually, all authorities are predicting significant numbers of people will move into their area. They wish us to believe that as we crash out of the EU the Tees Valley is to become a hot spot for migration never witnessed before. To be frank, the regional population predictions just don’t stack up.
The figures on which this plan is built are decidedly shaky but of course the real driver behind the scenes is a council desperate for money. Of course this is largely due to the Conservative Government’s ruthless cuts to all areas of public spending causing turmoil in all councils. If this desperation is obvious to us, then it is as clear as day to developers. They know that they hold the whip hand here and will build the houses they want, where they want and when they want. Disquiet over recent planning decisions already shows a process that is out of control, yet effective opposition from within the Council chamber is in short supply.
People who care about the future of Darlington have only one chance to call a halt to these plans. They must take the opportunity of the May 2019 local elections to break Labour’s grip on power before irreversible damage is done to our town. A Green Party presence on the Borough Council would hold the council to account on all decisions, week in week out.
Matthew Snedker
Coordinator, Darlington Green Party